Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Starting and Stopping SAP Systems

Info taken from here:

stopsap/startsap -t <task> -i <instance> -v <virtual host>

E.g. stopsap -t r3 -i DVEBGMS00 -v vserver1

(Quick form: startsap/stopsap <virtual host> to start all services on that particular virtual host)

[-t | -task <task>] Specify task (see list below)
[-i | -instance <instance>] Specify SAP system instance (see list below)
[-v | -vhost "<virtual hostname="">[ <virtual hostname="">]*"] Specify virtual host names
[-c | -check] Check database and SAP instance status
[-h | -help] Display help
[-V | -VERSION] Display startsap script version
[-C | -checkVHost] Check virtual host name

Task List
check - Check status of database and SAP system instancesr3 | j2ee - Start or stop SAP instances only. You can use either r3 or j2ee, regardless if the instance to be started or stopped is an ABAP or Java instance.
db - Start or stop ABAP database only
jdb - Start or stop Java database only
all | <blank> - Start or stop database and SAP instance
startupsrv - Start or stop sapstartsrv program

SAP System Instance List
DVEBMGS<nn> - ABAP primary application server Instance
D<nn> - ABAP additional application server instance
ASCS<nn> - ABAP central services instance (ASCS instance)
SCS<nn> - Java central services instance (SCS instance)
J<nn> - Java application server instance
TRX<nn> - TREX instance
ERS<nn> - Enqueue replication server instance (ERS instance)
SMDA<nn> - Diagnostics agent instance
W<nn> - Web services instance
G<nn> - Gateway instance

Stopping Order

ABAP system:
  1. Additional application server instances (if available)
  2. Primary application server instance
  3. ASCS instance (if available)
  4. ERS instance for the ASCS instance (if available)
  5. Database instance
Java system:
  1. Application server instances
  2. SCS instance
  3. ERS instance for the SCS instance (if available)
  4. Database instance
Dual-stack (ABAP+Java) system:
  1. Additional application server instances (if available)
  2. Primary application server instance
  3. ASCS instance (if available)
  4. SCS instance
  5. ERS instance for the ASCS instance (if available)
  6. ERS instance for the SCS instance (if available)
  7. Database instance

Starting Order

ABAP system:
  1. Database instance
  2. ERS instance for the ASCS instance (if available)
  3. ASCS instance (if available)
  4. Primary application server instance
  5. Additional application server instances (if available)
Java system:
  1. Database instance
  2. ERS instance for the SCS instance (if available)
  3. SCS instance
  4. Application server instances
Dual-stack (ABAP+Java) system:
  1. Database instance
  2. ERS instance for the SCS instance (if available)
  3. ERS instance for the ASCS instance (if available)
  4. SCS instance
  5. ASCS instance (if available)
  6. Primary application server instance
  7. Additional application server instances (if available)