Thursday, 13 June 2013

Register Content Server/SAP MaxDB In LMDB/SMSY

How To Register a Content Server/SAP MaxDB in LMDB/SMSY

(Info taken from SAP note 1794004)

Assume Solution Manager Diagnostic agent and Host Agent are installed on server. Host Agent needs to be at least patch 143.

Find Location of Database Tools Path

On Windows, open a command prompt and change directory to C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe

Run the following command:
saphostctrl.exe -host <Content Server host> -user sapadm - -dbname <DB SID> -dbtype ada -function GetDatabaseProperties -dbuser <db user ID> -dbpass <db user password>

Enter password for sapadm user.

Locate line saying Database/DatabaseToolsPath=<Path>

Set Connection Details

Run the following command:
saphostctrl.exe -host <DB hostname> -user sapadm - -function ExecuteOperation -name SetupMaxDBCredentials SID=<DB SID> DatabaseToolsPath=<Path> USERNAME=<DB user ID> PASSWORD=<DB user password>

Enter password for sapadm user

If the line "FATAL: Close xuser entry failed:" appears in the reponse carry out the steps below:

  • Enter the following line to register a user:
  • xuser -u <DB user>,<Password> -d <DB SID> -n <DB hostname>
  • Enter the following line to ensure the user details have been saved:
  • xuser list
  • Re-run the previous saphostctrl command to set the connection details.

Test The Connection 

Enter the following command:
saphostctrl.exe -host <DB hostname> -user sapadm - -dbname <DB SID> -dbtype ada -function GetDatabaseStatus

Enter password for sapadm user


After restarting the host agent service the details of the Content Server or SAP MaxDB will be pushed to the LMDB of the configured SMD Agent.

The database's details will be visible in LMDB/SMSY after a few minutes.