Switch to 'root' User in SUDO
Type:sudo su -
Prompt should change to reflect the fact you're now logged in as root.
If the following text appears, you don't have root access:
Email a File from Unix
To email a binary/data file from Unix use:uuencode <filename> <name-to-call-attachment> | mail -s "Subject" <email address>
If uuencode isn't available the contents of a text file can be emailed from Unix:
mail -s "Subject" user@example.com
Search for Files by Contents
To find a file based on its contents in Unix:find . -name "*.txt" -exec grep -il "hello" {} \;
To scan all files in the current folder for particular text and return the filename:
grep -il "hello"
('i' = ignore case, 'l' = return file names of matches)
Find files and Delete Them
The following command finds files named 'trash' and then deletes them:
find . -name "trash" -exec rm {}\;Find a file By Date
To find a file based on its date (in this case more than 365 days) and move it:find . -mtime +365d -exec mv {} /new/destination/folder \;
Copy Hidden Files in Unix
The following command copies any hidden files (files starting with full stop, dot, '.') followed by any letter or number:
cp /path/to/source/.[a-zA-Z0-9]* /path/to/target/
Sort Directory Listing
(Tested on AIX)
To sort a directory listing in Unix:
ls -l | sort +4 -rn
Sorts the list by column 4 (file size) in reverse order (smallest files listed last).
The '-s' switch is required to link across filesystems.
More info here:
See Who Is or Was on a Server
Type: last | moreCreate Softlink (Symbolic link)
ln -s <destination folder> <alias>The '-s' switch is required to link across filesystems.
More info here: