Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Reset J2EE_Admin or Administrator Password

If the user ID Administrator or J2EE_ADMIN is locked or the password is forgotten the system can be accessed using the following method:

STEP 1: Enable user "SAP*"

  1. Start the Config Tool C:\usr\sap\<SID>\<engine-instance>\j2ee\configtool\configtool.bat
  2. Goto cluster-data -> Global server configuration -> services ->
  3. Double-click on the property "ume.superadmin.activated"
  4. Set the value to "TRUE"
  5. Double-click on the property "ume.superadmin.password"
  6. Set the value to the required password
  7. Click Save
  8. Restart the J2EE engine

STEP 2: Login to NetWeaver as user "SAP*"

  1. http://<host>:<port>/useradmin/index.jsp
  2. Click User Admin
  3. Enter userid SAP* with the password that was set above
  4. Search for user to unlock or change the password  (i.e. "Administrator" or "J2EE_Admin")
  5. Unlock and/or change password for the required admin user 

STEP 3: Disable "SAP*"

  1. Start the Config Tool C:\usr\sap\<SID>\<engine-instance;&gt\j2ee\configtool\configtool.bat
  2. Goto cluster-data -> Global server configuration -> services ->
  3. Double-click on the property "ume.superadmin.activated"
  4. Set the value to "FALSE"
  5. Click Save
  6. Restart the J2EE engine

STEP 4: Login as "Administrator" or "J2EE_Admin"

  1. Go to http://<host>:<Port>/useradmin/index.jsp
  2. Enter appropriate user ID and password
  3. When prompted change the password