Log In To DB2 As a Specific User
db2 CONNECT TO <database> USER <user ID> USING <password>
To bring a database out of backup pending mode
Ensure DB is offlineRun the following command:
db2dart <dbname> /CHST /WHAT DBBP OFFInfo from here:
Create or Copy a Table
- CREATE TABLE <schema>.<new table name> LIKE <schema>.<existing table name>
- INSERT INTO <schema>.<new table name> SELECT * FROM <schema>.<existing table name>
Delete or Drop a Table
DROP TABLE <schema>.<table name>Rename a Table
RENAME TABLE <schema>.<new table name> TO <new table name>To see DB2 version
Run the following command at OS level:db2level
To take an ad-hoc online backup
db2 "backup db <DBSID> online to /staging/area, /staging/area, /staging/area, /staging/area"(The number of '/staging/area's governs the size of the dumped file.)
To take an ad-hoc offline backup
db2 "backup db <DBSID> to /staging/area, /staging/area, /staging/area, /staging/area"(The DB2 default is to take offline backups. The number of '/staging/area's governs the size of the dumped file.)'
View DB2 backup history
To view the backup history in a decent, readable format:db2 "select substr(comment,1,20) "TYPE", substr(start_time,7,2)||'/'||substr(start_time,5,2)||'/'||substr(start_time,1,4)||' '||substr(start_time,9,2)||':'||substr(start_time,11,2) "START", substr(end_time,7,2)||'/'||substr(end_time,5,2)||'/'||substr(end_time,1,4)||' '||substr(end_time,9,2)||':'||substr(end_time,11,2) "END", SQLCODE "ERROR" from sysibmadm.DB_history Where ENTRY_STATUS='A' and comment like 'DB2 BACKUP%' group by substr(comment,1,20), start_time, end_time, SQLCODE order by end_time desc"
To view all of the backup histories:
db2 list history BACKUP all for <SID>To view all of the history since a certain date:
db2 list history BACKUP since 20130301 for <SID>To view the archive log history since a certain date:
db2 list history archive log since 20130301 for <SID>
Provide DB2 diagnostic info to SAP
Refer to following SAP note 83819 - DB6: collect support datadb2support <work_dir> -d <dbsid> -f
This produces a file called db2support.zip in the 'work_dir'
Find Schema Names in a DB2 Database
db2 select schemaname from syscat.schemataList Tables in a DB2 Database
db2 list tables for schema sapsr3dbor
db2 select tabname from syscat.tables where tabschema = '
Check the validity/consistency of a DB2 archive log file
db2cklog check(more info here)
Find database size
db2 "call get_dbsize_info(?,?,?,-1)"Value of output parameters
Parameter Value : 2015-04-30-
Parameter Name : DATABASESIZE
Parameter Value : 1630123229184
Parameter Name : DATABASECAPACITY (total amount of disk space allocated)
Parameter Value : 4276539830272
Return Status = 0
To run a script file of DB2 commands
db2 -tvs <filename>.clpFind DB2 startup time
db2 get snapshot for dbm | grep -i managerDatabase Manager Snapshot
Database manager status = Active
Start Database Manager timestamp = 02/20/2015 18:13:27.587803
Remote connections to db manager = 111
Remote connections executing in db manager = 1
Local connections executing in db manager = 0
Restart db2vend process cleanly
db2pd -db <db sid> -fvp lam1 term
(Note: use 'lam1' for 'log archive method 1')