./EMCtrl.sh (start|stop|help)
status - status of the Enterprise Manager
start - start Enterprise Manager
stop - stop Enterprise Manager
help - lists these commands
Saturday, 12 October 2013
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Providing DB2 Support Info to SAP
See SAP note 83819 - DB6: Collecting support data
As <SID>adm or db2<SID>:
db2support <work_dir> -d <dbsid> -c -s -f
The end result is a db2support.zip file or around 12MB in the <work_dir>
As <SID>adm or db2<SID>:
db2support <work_dir> -d <dbsid> -c -s -f
Windows Server Uptime
To find the uptime of a Windows server without uptime.exe:
Open a command prompt
Type "net statistics server"
The line that starts "Statistics since …" shows the date and time the server was last restarted.
(The command can be shortened to "net stats srv".)
On Windows 2008:
SystemInfo | find "Boot Time"
System Boot Time: 02/03/2014, 00:06:12
(Windows Task Manager also shows uptime in Windows 2008)
Open a command prompt
Type "net statistics server"
The line that starts "Statistics since …" shows the date and time the server was last restarted.
(The command can be shortened to "net stats srv".)
On Windows 2008:
SystemInfo | find "Boot Time"
System Boot Time: 02/03/2014, 00:06:12
(Windows Task Manager also shows uptime in Windows 2008)
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
DB2 Notes
Log In To DB2 As a Specific User
db2 CONNECT TO <database> USER <user ID> USING <password>
To bring a database out of backup pending mode
Ensure DB is offlineRun the following command:
db2dart <dbname> /CHST /WHAT DBBP OFFInfo from here:
Create or Copy a Table
- CREATE TABLE <schema>.<new table name> LIKE <schema>.<existing table name>
- INSERT INTO <schema>.<new table name> SELECT * FROM <schema>.<existing table name>
Delete or Drop a Table
DROP TABLE <schema>.<table name>Rename a Table
RENAME TABLE <schema>.<new table name> TO <new table name>To see DB2 version
Run the following command at OS level:db2level
To take an ad-hoc online backup
db2 "backup db <DBSID> online to /staging/area, /staging/area, /staging/area, /staging/area"(The number of '/staging/area's governs the size of the dumped file.)
To take an ad-hoc offline backup
db2 "backup db <DBSID> to /staging/area, /staging/area, /staging/area, /staging/area"(The DB2 default is to take offline backups. The number of '/staging/area's governs the size of the dumped file.)'
View DB2 backup history
To view the backup history in a decent, readable format:db2 "select substr(comment,1,20) "TYPE", substr(start_time,7,2)||'/'||substr(start_time,5,2)||'/'||substr(start_time,1,4)||' '||substr(start_time,9,2)||':'||substr(start_time,11,2) "START", substr(end_time,7,2)||'/'||substr(end_time,5,2)||'/'||substr(end_time,1,4)||' '||substr(end_time,9,2)||':'||substr(end_time,11,2) "END", SQLCODE "ERROR" from sysibmadm.DB_history Where ENTRY_STATUS='A' and comment like 'DB2 BACKUP%' group by substr(comment,1,20), start_time, end_time, SQLCODE order by end_time desc"
To view all of the backup histories:
db2 list history BACKUP all for <SID>To view all of the history since a certain date:
db2 list history BACKUP since 20130301 for <SID>To view the archive log history since a certain date:
db2 list history archive log since 20130301 for <SID>
Provide DB2 diagnostic info to SAP
Refer to following SAP note 83819 - DB6: collect support datadb2support <work_dir> -d <dbsid> -f
This produces a file called db2support.zip in the 'work_dir'
Find Schema Names in a DB2 Database
db2 select schemaname from syscat.schemataList Tables in a DB2 Database
db2 list tables for schema sapsr3dbor
db2 select tabname from syscat.tables where tabschema = '
Check the validity/consistency of a DB2 archive log file
db2cklog check (more info here)
Find database size
db2 "call get_dbsize_info(?,?,?,-1)"Value of output parameters
Parameter Value : 2015-04-30-
Parameter Name : DATABASESIZE
Parameter Value : 1630123229184
Parameter Name : DATABASECAPACITY (total amount of disk space allocated)
Parameter Value : 4276539830272
Return Status = 0
To run a script file of DB2 commands
db2 -tvs <filename>.clpFind DB2 startup time
db2 get snapshot for dbm | grep -i managerDatabase Manager Snapshot
Database manager status = Active
Start Database Manager timestamp = 02/20/2015 18:13:27.587803
Remote connections to db manager = 111
Remote connections executing in db manager = 1
Local connections executing in db manager = 0
Restart db2vend process cleanly
db2pd -db <db sid> -fvp lam1 term
(Note: use 'lam1' for 'log archive method 1')
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, buffer pool services, sqlbClnrAsyncWriteCompletion, probe:0
MESSAGE : ADM6017E The table space "PSAPTEMPX" (ID "30") is full. Detected on
container "/db2/SID/saptemp1/NODE0000/tempX/PSAPTEMPX.container000"
(ID "0"). The underlying file system is full or the maximum allowed
space usage for the file system has been reached. It is also possible
that there are user limits in place with respect to maximum file size
and these limits have been reached.
Refer to SAP note:
334608 - DB6: SMS tablespace ##(PSAPTEMP##) is FULL
Create an additional temporary tablespace with the same page size.
db2 list tablespaces show detail
Tablespace ID = 30
Type = System managed space
Contents = Temporary data
State = 0x0000
Detailed explanation:
Total pages = 1
Useable pages = 1
Used pages = 1
Free pages = Not applicable
High water mark (pages) = Not applicable
Page size (bytes) = 4096
Extent size (pages) = 8
db2 list tablespace containers for 30
Tablespace Containers for Tablespace 30
Container ID = 0
Name = C:\db2\SID\sapdatat
Type = Path
Now create a new temporary tablespace on another disk with more freespace.
db2 "create temporary tablespace PSAPTEMPY PAGESIZE 4096 managed by system using ('D:\db2\SID\sapdatat')"
After the new temporary tablespace has been successfully created, you can delete tablespace PSAPTEMPX:
db2 "drop tablespace PSAPTEMPX"
Find more info on an error code
db2diag -rc <number including minus sign>Find out if a database has more than one partition
db2pd - -alldbpartitionnumsDB2 error ADM6017E
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, buffer pool services, sqlbClnrAsyncWriteCompletion, probe:0
MESSAGE : ADM6017E The table space "PSAPTEMPX" (ID "30") is full. Detected on
container "/db2/SID/saptemp1/NODE0000/tempX/PSAPTEMPX.container000"
(ID "0"). The underlying file system is full or the maximum allowed
space usage for the file system has been reached. It is also possible
that there are user limits in place with respect to maximum file size
and these limits have been reached.
334608 - DB6: SMS tablespace ##(PSAPTEMP##) is FULL
Create an additional temporary tablespace with the same page size.
db2 list tablespaces show detail
Tablespace ID = 30
Type = System managed space
Contents = Temporary data
State = 0x0000
Detailed explanation:
Total pages = 1
Useable pages = 1
Used pages = 1
Free pages = Not applicable
High water mark (pages) = Not applicable
Page size (bytes) = 4096
Extent size (pages) = 8
db2 list tablespace containers for 30
Tablespace Containers for Tablespace 30
Container ID = 0
Name = C:\db2\SID\sapdatat
Type = Path
Now create a new temporary tablespace on another disk with more freespace.
db2 "create temporary tablespace PSAPTEMPY PAGESIZE 4096 managed by system using ('D:\db2\SID\sapdatat')"
After the new temporary tablespace has been successfully created, you can delete tablespace PSAPTEMPX:
db2 "drop tablespace PSAPTEMPX"
Thursday, 15 August 2013
Default Passwords
Wily Introscope
Help: https://service.sap.com/~sapdownload/011000358700001995842008E/SAPISDOC02_0.pdf
Username | Password |
Admin | Admin89 |
Guest | guest12 |
Default SAP Passwords
Details | Client | Username | Password |
RFC to SAP | 000 | OSS_RFC | cpic |
Comms user | All | SAPCPIC | ADMIN |
STMS user | All | TMSADM | $1Pawd2& |
Earlywatch | 066 | EARLYWATCH | SUPPORT |
Admin user | All | SAP* | PASS |
Default Apache Tomcat Password
Login: http://localhost:8080/
Username | Password |
admin | admin |
Default SAP MaxDB Passwords
Username | Password |
CONTROL | control |
SUPERDBA | admin |
Friday, 14 June 2013
Unix Commands And Info
Switch to 'root' User in SUDO
Type:sudo su -
Prompt should change to reflect the fact you're now logged in as root.
If the following text appears, you don't have root access:
Email a File from Unix
To email a binary/data file from Unix use:uuencode <filename> <name-to-call-attachment> | mail -s "Subject" <email address>
If uuencode isn't available the contents of a text file can be emailed from Unix:
mail -s "Subject" user@example.com
Search for Files by Contents
To find a file based on its contents in Unix:find . -name "*.txt" -exec grep -il "hello" {} \;
To scan all files in the current folder for particular text and return the filename:
grep -il "hello"
('i' = ignore case, 'l' = return file names of matches)
Find files and Delete Them
The following command finds files named 'trash' and then deletes them:
find . -name "trash" -exec rm {}\;Find a file By Date
To find a file based on its date (in this case more than 365 days) and move it:find . -mtime +365d -exec mv {} /new/destination/folder \;
Copy Hidden Files in Unix
The following command copies any hidden files (files starting with full stop, dot, '.') followed by any letter or number:
cp /path/to/source/.[a-zA-Z0-9]* /path/to/target/
Sort Directory Listing
(Tested on AIX)
To sort a directory listing in Unix:
ls -l | sort +4 -rn
Sorts the list by column 4 (file size) in reverse order (smallest files listed last).
The '-s' switch is required to link across filesystems.
More info here:
See Who Is or Was on a Server
Type: last | moreCreate Softlink (Symbolic link)
ln -s <destination folder> <alias>The '-s' switch is required to link across filesystems.
More info here:
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Register Content Server/SAP MaxDB In LMDB/SMSY
How To Register a Content Server/SAP MaxDB in LMDB/SMSY
(Info taken from SAP note 1794004)Assume Solution Manager Diagnostic agent and Host Agent are installed on server. Host Agent needs to be at least patch 143.
Find Location of Database Tools Path
On Windows, open a command prompt and change directory to C:\Program Files\SAP\hostctrl\exe
saphostctrl.exe -host <Content Server host> -user sapadm - -dbname <DB SID> -dbtype ada -function GetDatabaseProperties -dbuser <db user ID> -dbpass <db user password>
Enter password for sapadm user.
Locate line saying Database/DatabaseToolsPath=<Path>
Set Connection Details
Run the following command:saphostctrl.exe -host <DB hostname> -user sapadm - -function ExecuteOperation -name SetupMaxDBCredentials SID=<DB SID> DatabaseToolsPath=<Path> USERNAME=<DB user ID> PASSWORD=<DB user password>
Enter password for sapadm user
If the line "FATAL: Close xuser entry failed:" appears in the reponse carry out the steps below:
- Enter the following line to register a user:
- xuser -u <DB user>,<Password> -d <DB SID> -n <DB hostname>
- Enter the following line to ensure the user details have been saved:
- xuser list
- Re-run the previous saphostctrl command to set the connection details.
Test The Connection
Enter the following command:saphostctrl.exe -host <DB hostname> -user sapadm - -dbname <DB SID> -dbtype ada -function GetDatabaseStatus
Enter password for sapadm user
After restarting the host agent service the details of the Content Server or SAP MaxDB will be pushed to the LMDB of the configured SMD Agent.The database's details will be visible in LMDB/SMSY after a few minutes.
Friday, 24 May 2013
Suspend Or Release All SAP Background Jobs
To Suspend All Currently Released SAP Background Jobs
Run SE38
Enter program name BTCTRNS1
Click Execute
This program has no selection screen. It just returns the screen below:
In SM37 the jobs go into status "Release/Suspended":
To Release All Currently Suspended SAP Background Jobs
Run SE38
Enter program name BTCTRNS2
Click Execute
This program has no selection screen. It just returns the screen below:
Run SE38
Enter program name BTCTRNS1
Click Execute
This program has no selection screen. It just returns the screen below:
In SM37 the jobs go into status "Release/Suspended":
To Release All Currently Suspended SAP Background Jobs
Run SE38
Enter program name BTCTRNS2
Click Execute
This program has no selection screen. It just returns the screen below:
Friday, 17 May 2013
Adobe Document Services (ADS) Notes
To produce an example document from within SAP GUI to test the connection to Adobe Document Services (ADS):
Run SE38
Enter program name FP_TEST_00
Choose form FP_TEST_00
Click Execute
Enter a 'real' printer such as LP01 (as opposed to LOCL)
Click Print Preview
Document will appear embedded in SAP GUI
Adding Extra Fonts to ADS
Create folder fonts under:
Create folder customer under fonts
Ensure that the <sid>adm user has read and write permission for the directory
Restart following services in NWA: ADS (com.adobe/AdobeDocumentServices), font manager and XML template
More info here.
Run SE38
Enter program name FP_TEST_00
Choose form FP_TEST_00
Click Execute
Enter a 'real' printer such as LP01 (as opposed to LOCL)
Click Print Preview
Document will appear embedded in SAP GUI
To Display Info About the Adobe Document Services (ADS) Service
Run SA38
Adding Extra Fonts to ADS
Create folder fonts under:
Create folder customer under fonts
Ensure that the <sid>adm user has read and write permission for the directory
Restart following services in NWA: ADS (com.adobe/AdobeDocumentServices), font manager and XML template
More info here.
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
PAL - Printing Assistant for Landscapes
Centrally administer SAP printers for a whole landscape with transaction PAL.
Requires RFCs to target systems
SAP doc on setting up PAL
(PAL is to SAP printing what CUA is to SAP users!)
Requires RFCs to target systems
SAP doc on setting up PAL
(PAL is to SAP printing what CUA is to SAP users!)
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